Overview, Outline of Process

Welcome! In this course, you will learn how to paint this bluebird in watercolor.

Below, you will see a brief outline of each lesson. I invite you to pick and choose lessons that you would like to focus upon, or join me as we progress through the entire painting. Make decisions based on what you see in your painting. Feel free to skip ahead, and when you feel that your painting is finished, stop and enjoy!


Lesson 1: Create the Eye

Lesson 2, 3: Foundational Colors

  • Lesson 2: Create a map of the lightest values that we can see in this bird. Keep your applications pale, like tea to water. We will go darker in value as we progress through the painting.
  • Lesson 3: Establish a pale map of feathers in the body and head. This will serve as a guide as we refine color, values, and textures.


Lesson 4, Beak, Refine Eye: Begin to establish color and values in the beak and further refine the eye.

Lesson 5, Blue of the Head: Refine color and values in the head and upper body, going darker, and creating the beginnings of contour.

Lesson 6: Refine the brown of the body while establishing the impression of contour and feather-like textures.

Lessons 7, 8 - White of the Body: Develop the white part of the body, using pale applications to create contour and textures.

Lesson 9, Feathers: Create the larger feathers on the left and right side of the body. We will return to refine near the end of the painting.

Lesson 10, Branch: Create the beginnings of the branch. We will return to refine near the end of the painting.

Lesson 11: Create the Feet

Lesson 12: Create the Tail Feathers


Lesson 13: Make refinements to the beak, eye, head, and chest.

Lesson 14: Make refinements to the larger feathers, branch, and white of body.

Lesson 15: Final Refinements

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