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How to Paint a Horse in Watercolor
Drawing, Materials, Reference Photo
Drawing, Materials, Reference Photo
Introduction and the Eye
Introduction: "Goose", a Tennessee Walking Horse (1:25)
Create the Eye (21:33)
First Layer of Color: Map the Dark Values
Pale Map: Dark Shapes in Head, Neck, Chest (2 videos) (47:09)
Map the Darks in Nose and Mouth (17:39)
Next Layer of Color: The Browns and a Glaze
Mid Tones: The Big Picture (11:13)
Browns and a Glaze:: Nose and Mouth (19:29)
Reinforce Dark Values: Head and Neck (31:44)
Glaze the Head and Neck (12:00)
Bridle, Hair, Ears, Mid Tones
Bridle and Hair - Beginnings (10:56)
Darks of the Ear (8:15)
Reinforce Browns with Mid Tones (24:15)
The Hair Continued (two videos) (41:30)
Third Layer of Color: Reinforce Dark, Mid Tone Browns, Plus a Glaze
Reinforce Dark and Mid Tone Browns (two videos) (48:00)
Another Glaze to Smooth and Unify (8:22)
Refine the Bridle (two videos) (48:38)
Refinements Browns in Head, Neck (two videos) (44:41)
Refine Nose, Mouth (two videos) (33:59)
Fine Tuning and Final Adjustments
Approaching the End... What to Look For (1:18)
Fine Tuning: Create Smooth Transitions with Mid Tones (28:53)
Fine Tuning: Finish the Hair (12:06)
Fine Tuning: Refine the Bridle (5:23)
Remove Staples from Paper; Detach from Board (1:48)
The Eye: Final Refinements (7:23)
Create a Glowing Brown Using Yellow (3:27)
Troubleshooting, Solutions
Troubleshooting: If Your Browns are Too Red (2:34)
Troubleshooting: Adjust Shapes that are Too Pale (13:58)
Troubleshooting: Transitions in Value that are too Abrupt (2:13)
Troubleshooting: How to Remove Color from a Large Area (6:05)
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Reinforce Dark Values: Head and Neck
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