Introduction, Resources, Overview of Lessons


In this course, you will learn how to paint this child in watercolor. I hope you will find the techniques, steps, and colors helpful whether you create this painting or a similar subject!

  • Scroll lower for an overview of the lessons and resources.
  • Throughout this course, I encourage you to make decisions based on your vision for your painting. Use as much or as little of the lessons and drawing as you need. If you lose focus, take a break. You will return with fresh eyes!
  • Creating a detailed and realistic painting like this does take time, but when you enjoy the process it's inspiring and a lot of fun. Allow yourself the freedom to experiment and learn from your experiences, because that's how we grow. You can do this!

I’d love to hear how it goes and invite you to share your painting along with challenges, solutions, and suggestions.

  • Take a photo and share in the Community.
  • Share your painting in our Facebook Group, Realistic Animals in Watercolor.
  • In addition, upload your painting to your Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter - all of your favorite places with the hashtag #rebeccarhodesart. By sharing, you are inspiring others to get started!

I hope you enjoy the course!


It's helpful to see an overview of the process - the big picture!

Painting humans takes time and multiple, thin layers of color. There will be "uncomfortable" stages. Persevere!

Lesson 1: Beginnings of shadow, eyes

Lesson 2: Pale Map of Colors

Lesson 3: Mouth, Shadows

Lesson 4: Shapes in Shirt, Pale Blue Background

Lesson 5: Refine mouth, skin tone

Lesson 6: Revisit, refine colors, shadow

Lesson 7: Hair

Lesson 8: Revisit, refine colors, shadows

Lesson 9: Eyebrows, refine colors

Lesson 10: Final Refinements


Learn more about Painting Humans

Contact Rebecca Rhodes: Didn't find what you need? Reach out to me, Rebecca Rhodes, at [email protected]. I'm here to help! Follow this link to learn more about Rebecca:

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